Friday, July 4, 2008

Just keep singing...

We had our first rehearsals yesterday. Now, as you may or may not know, the Queen is not onstage that much. We have a scene at the beginning and two scenes at the end. So that actually means that I don't have a really, really hectic rehearsal schedule. Anyway, we staged our first scene, and I'm starting to get really excited about it. The other lady IS definitely very good, but she has this attitude like, "I'm grown, I'm a proffestional, y'all are in academia so I'm better at this." She keeps throwing "academia" around like it's a bad thing. But whatever.

Last night, Eowyn, Anna, Laura, and I, along with our new friends Gillian (whose last name is Proudfoot, like a hobbit, bringing my total of friends with "Lord of the Rings" names to two) and Sophie, got on a bus and just decided to get off wherever we felt like it. We ended up at the Vatican. Yeah. We got off the bus, turned the corner, and there was St. Peter's Basilica. So we made a good choice. Then we had a lovely dinner at a little cafe, and I can tell you that authentic Italian lasagne is completely different from anything you've ever had.

Also, there's a boy here who, honest to blog, plays quidditch. I don't know how it works, but there's an association and he plays beater for Ravenclaw. AWESOME!!!

I love you all and wish you could be here with me.

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